Monday, May 23, 2011

Arrangement of the Week

Every now and then we get an interesting request from one of our customers. This piece was created for a memorial service. The gentleman who passed away was, according to his wofe, a huge fan and avid collector of cowboy boots. She approached us to see if we could do something in one of his favorite pairs.

This is the arrangement that we were able to make. It definitely has that country flair aided by bright summer Sunflowers, feathery Pampas grass, and bright Solidago. The family loved the arrangement and we continue to get compliments on it when helping people choose flowers to remember their loved ones.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Flower of the Month: Lily of the Valley (May)

Lily of the Valley goes by a variety of names. Also called Our Lady’s Tears, and Mary’s tears as legend holds they sprang up from the tears of Mary at the crucifixion of Jesus. The Victorian era “language of flowers” tells us that the Lily of the Valley signifies humility and the return of happiness. It recounts the story of the nightingale who would not return to the woods until May, when Lily of the Valley blooms.

Lily of the Valley is a delicate flower with a sweet smell. Difficult to work into most traditional arrangements, it remains a popular flower in wedding bouquets and centerpieces both for its scent and pure white color.

Recently, Lily of the Valley has been made popular by the bouquet of Kate Middleton in her wedding to Prince William in the United Kingdom.
(Original Image Ian West, Getty Images)

Prom Season

We've just uploaded a bunch of pictures to out facebook and flickr sites. Click the links below to check out our Prom Bouquets!


Hello everyone!

The Mitchell family has been a leader in the floral industry for over 90 years. First located on State Street on the South side of Chicago, we moved to the South Suburbs in 1973. We have created beautiful floral arrangements for weddings and events for thousands of brides and clients. With locations in Orland Park and Frankfort, we service events throughout the city of Chicago and over 150 suburbs. We have even served as design coordinators for three Presidential Inaugurations in Washington D.C.

Our distinguished staff includes design contest winners, the former president of the American Institute of Floral Design, and the former president of both the local FTD and Teleflora districts.

It has become more and more clear to us how important technology has become in our industry. Years ago, every one of our customers walked through our door and met with us in person before leaving with a beautiful arrangement. While we continue to pride ourselves on our personal interaction with brides and other event coordinators, much of our business has become electronic.
Many customers contact us via phone, and many more reach us over the internet.

With these trends in mind, we have endeavored to expand ourselves electronically by displaying our flowers and information on websites like Teleflora, Youtube, Flickr, Facebook, and now Blogger. We hope to establish new contacts, share ideas, and of course, make our design team more accessible to everyone.