Thursday, May 19, 2011

Flower of the Month: Lily of the Valley (May)

Lily of the Valley goes by a variety of names. Also called Our Lady’s Tears, and Mary’s tears as legend holds they sprang up from the tears of Mary at the crucifixion of Jesus. The Victorian era “language of flowers” tells us that the Lily of the Valley signifies humility and the return of happiness. It recounts the story of the nightingale who would not return to the woods until May, when Lily of the Valley blooms.

Lily of the Valley is a delicate flower with a sweet smell. Difficult to work into most traditional arrangements, it remains a popular flower in wedding bouquets and centerpieces both for its scent and pure white color.

Recently, Lily of the Valley has been made popular by the bouquet of Kate Middleton in her wedding to Prince William in the United Kingdom.
(Original Image Ian West, Getty Images)

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