Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Support Small Business Saturday

            For the second year, small businesses are getting ready to celebrate Small Business Saturday for their supporting community. It’s a great way to get that holiday shopping done in a way that supports local business and boosts the local economy. In addition, American Express (which is the major supporter for this yearly event) is offering a $25 statement credit to their customers that spend at least $25 at local businesses.  Facebook is also jumping on the wagon to help promote local businesses. Last year, the total number of likes was around 1 million, and this year it has jumped to 2.3 million likes.

            According to the Small Business Saturday website FAQ, businesses have created 65 percent of net new jobs over the last 2 decades. Also, local businesses have a high monetary return rate. For every $100 spent locally, $68 returns to the community via taxes, payroll, and business expense. Some estimate the return rate to be even higher.

            In contrast, major chains usually return only 20-40% to their community as their expenses often include large scale marketing, overseas manufacturing, and resource exploitation. In addition, many city and state governments give incentives to the large corporations, which indirectly takes money away from the local economy. has a great article on the top 5 reasons to support your local business. You can see the article here:

You can visit the link below, for more details on registering your card for this offer:

Also, here’s the link to the Facebook group for supporting Small Business Saturday, which is a great way to pass the word and the place you need to register for your American Express $25 credit: Facebook: Small Business Saturday

You can also sync your Foursquare account here, which works with American Express: Foursquare: Small Business Saturday

Mitchell's Flower Shop in Orland Park, IL

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